
Pivotal’s projects are located in the established mining friendly jurisdiction of Quebec, Canada.

hydroelectric production
Global Top 0

Quebec is one of Canada’s most significant mining provinces with established mines, smelters and skilled workforce. It has an operating, fiscal and regulatory framework to support the development of its mineral endowment.

Real Financing Incentives

Generous ‘flow through’ tax scheme resulting in financings at a premium (Pivotal raises over A$4m at a premium). The effect is a grossing up of cash raised by 1.94x for eligible exploration expenditure on critical metals projects in northern Quebec.
$1 billion government fund which acquires equity in Natural Resource companies.
Regional development organisations specifically funding and coordinating investment in the Horden Lake / James Bay region.

Low cost, carbon neutral power

Global top 5 hydroelectric production capacity means that Quebec is a major producer and exporter power, 99% of which is from renewable sources.

Quebec power prices are among the lowest in the world.

Vast Infrastructure Network

All the infrastructure required to support a modern mine:

  • 325,000 km of roads, including a 2 lane paved and fully maintained highway that runs within 10km of the Horden Lake project
  • 34,000 km of power transmission lines, the most extensive grid in North America
  • 20 commercial ports, 82 regional airports and over 6,000 km of railways connecting Canada, the United States, and Mexico

Advantageous Tax System

Quebec has the second lowest average tax rate in Canada, at 26.5%.

Specific ‘Mining Tax Act’ to lower taxes to mining companies, through targeted direct deductible amounts, accelerated depreciation schedules and other allowances.

Supportive Regulatory Framework

Strong an transparent legal framework which has a track record of approving projects for development.

‘Bureau of Coordination’ set up to streamline approvals processes to reduce delays for developers.

Complete Mining Ecosystem

Long-term mining province, with experienced workforce, contractors and consultants which service the established mining industry.

The Québec mining sector can count on an annual pool of 10,000 new graduates from 50 programs of study and training related to the mining sector.

Major North American Cities

Average prices for large-power customers1, 2 (in ¢/kWh)3

Source: Hydro-Québec’s Direction 


The following report prepared by Orior Capital (the ‘Report’) was sponsored by Pivotal Metals Ltd (‘Pivotal’ or the ‘Company’) and Orior Capital is the owner of the Report.

The information contained in the Report has not been prepared or verified by Pivotal and therefore, neither the Report nor the information contained in the Report should be considered an endorsement by Pivotal or a recommendation by Pivotal in relation to an investment in Pivotal.

The Report is not investment advice and any party reading the Report should seek independent advice in relation to the report and information contained in the Report.